Sunday, November 05, 2006

Not Much to Say

Yeah, it doesn't happen often, but I really can't think of a thing to blog. Well, I do have my thoughts about the Ted Haggard debacle, and I have been knocking around some questions about gender, but I shall wait for now.

I am excited about this Saturday's Love Breaks Out in Palm Springs, CA. It is going to be a great event with some amazing speakers. Go ahead, fly to California to check it out. You know you want to. We'll do coffee.

I did all my Christmas and Hanukkah shopping this weekend. I went with Christine to Ten Thousand Villages, the international fair trade store, and got some great stuff. With the many purchases I got, I personal aided at least 230 of the ten thousand villages.

Oh, and I went record shopping yesterday. Not CDs, not mp3, but LPs. As an ex-gay, born-again Christian, I lived in a cultural bubble from 1983-1998. As a result, I missed out on all the music during that time period. Time to catch up. Suggestions?

Okay, I guess I had some things to blog about after all.


At 9:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, four words.

Toad. The. Wet. Sprocket.

At 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We´re all dying to know what is going on in your life even though you think it´s nothing special to tell about :) I myself had a most exciting day, spent in hospital. You can read about it in my blog :)


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